import type { BlitzApiRequest, BlitzApiResponse } from "blitz"; import twilio from "twilio"; import type { ApiError } from "app/core/types"; import db, { Direction, SubscriptionStatus } from "db"; import appLogger from "integrations/logger"; import { translateCallStatus, voiceUrl } from "integrations/twilio"; import updateCallDurationQueue from "../queue/update-call-duration"; const logger = appLogger.child({ route: "/api/webhook/call" }); export default async function incomingCallHandler(req: BlitzApiRequest, res: BlitzApiResponse) { console.log("req.body", req.body); const twilioSignature = req.headers["X-Twilio-Signature"] || req.headers["x-twilio-signature"]; if (!twilioSignature || Array.isArray(twilioSignature)) { const statusCode = 400; const apiError: ApiError = { statusCode, errorMessage: "Invalid header X-Twilio-Signature", }; logger.error(apiError); res.status(statusCode).send(apiError); return; } const isOutgoingCall = req.body.From.startsWith("client:"); if (isOutgoingCall) { const recipient = req.body.To; const organizationId = req.body.From.slice("client:".length).split("__")[0]; const phoneNumber = await db.phoneNumber.findFirst({ // TODO: use the active number, not the first one where: { organizationId }, include: { organization: { include: { subscriptions: { where: { status: }, }, }, }, }, }); if (phoneNumber?.organization.subscriptions.length === 0) { // decline the outgoing call because // the organization is on the free plan res.status(402).end(); } if ( !phoneNumber || !phoneNumber.organization.twilioAuthToken || !twilio.validateRequest(phoneNumber.organization.twilioAuthToken, twilioSignature, voiceUrl, req.body) ) { const statusCode = 400; const apiError: ApiError = { statusCode, errorMessage: "Invalid webhook", }; logger.error(apiError); res.status(statusCode).send(apiError); return; } await db.phoneCall.create({ data: { id: req.body.CallSid, from: phoneNumber.number, to: req.body.To, status: translateCallStatus(req.body.CallStatus), direction: Direction.Outbound, duration: "0", organizationId:, phoneNumberId:, }, }); await updateCallDurationQueue.enqueue( { organizationId:, callId: req.body.CallSid, }, { delay: "30s" }, ); const voiceResponse = new twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse(); const dial = voiceResponse.dial({ answerOnBridge: true, callerId: phoneNumber!.number, }); dial.number(recipient); console.log("twiml voiceResponse", voiceResponse.toString()); res.setHeader("content-type", "text/xml"); return res.status(200).send(voiceResponse.toString()); } else { const phoneNumbers = await db.phoneNumber.findMany({ where: { number: req.body.To }, include: { organization: { include: { subscriptions: { where: { status: }, }, }, }, }, }); if (phoneNumbers.length === 0) { // phone number is not registered by any organization res.status(500).end(); return; } const phoneNumbersWithActiveSub = phoneNumbers.filter( (phoneNumber) => phoneNumber.organization.subscriptions.length > 0, ); if (phoneNumbersWithActiveSub.length === 0) { // accept the webhook but reject incoming call // because the organization is on the free plan const voiceResponse = new twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse(); voiceResponse.reject(); console.log("twiml voiceResponse", voiceResponse); res.setHeader("content-type", "text/xml"); res.status(200).send(voiceResponse.toString()); } const phoneNumber = phoneNumbersWithActiveSub.find((phoneNumber) => { // if multiple organizations have the same number // find the organization currently using that phone number // maybe we shouldn't let that happen by restricting a phone number to one org? const authToken = phoneNumber.organization.twilioAuthToken ?? ""; return twilio.validateRequest(authToken, twilioSignature, voiceUrl, req.body); }); if (!phoneNumber) { const statusCode = 400; const apiError: ApiError = { statusCode, errorMessage: "Invalid webhook", }; logger.error(apiError); res.status(statusCode).send(apiError); return; } // TODO dial.client("unique id of device user is picking up with"); // TODO send notification // TODO db.phoneCall.create(...); // TODO subscribe to status updates to update duration when call ends } res.status(500).end(); } const outgoingBody = { AccountSid: "ACa886d066be0832990d1cf43fb1d53362", ApiVersion: "2010-04-01", ApplicationSid: "AP6334c6dd54f5808717b37822de4e4e14", CallSid: "CA3b639875693fd8f563e07937780c9f5f", CallStatus: "ringing", Called: "", Caller: "client:95267d60-3d35-4c36-9905-8543ecb4f174__673b461a-11ba-43a4-89d7-9e29403053d4", Direction: "inbound", From: "client:95267d60-3d35-4c36-9905-8543ecb4f174__673b461a-11ba-43a4-89d7-9e29403053d4", To: "+33613370787", }; const incomingBody = { AccountSid: "ACa886d066be0832990d1cf43fb1d53362", ApiVersion: "2010-04-01", ApplicationSid: "APa43d85150ad6f6cf9869fbe1c1e36a66", CallSid: "CA09a5d9a4cfacf2b56d66f8f743d2881a", CallStatus: "ringing", Called: "+33757592025", CalledCity: "", CalledCountry: "FR", CalledState: "", CalledZip: "", Caller: "+33613370787", CallerCity: "", CallerCountry: "FR", CallerState: "", CallerZip: "", Direction: "inbound", From: "+33613370787", FromCity: "", FromCountry: "FR", FromState: "", FromZip: "", To: "+33757592025", ToCity: "", ToCountry: "FR", ToState: "", ToZip: "", };