Congrats! Your app is ready, including user sign-up and log-in.
To add a new model to your app,
run the following in your terminal:
blitz generate all project name:string
import { Suspense } from "react"; import type { BlitzPage } from "blitz"; import { Link, useMutation, Routes } from "blitz"; import BaseLayout from "../core/layouts/base-layout"; import logout from "../auth/mutations/logout"; import useCurrentCustomer from "../core/hooks/use-current-customer"; /* * This file is just for a pleasant getting started page for your new app. * You can delete everything in here and start from scratch if you like. */ const UserInfo = () => { const { customer } = useCurrentCustomer(); const [logoutMutation] = useMutation(logout); if (customer) { return ( <>
Congrats! Your app is ready, including user sign-up and log-in.
To add a new model to your app,
run the following in your terminal:
blitz generate all project name:string