backup database to s3

This commit is contained in:
m5r 2021-09-16 06:56:16 +08:00
parent 9ef5b58400
commit 257987e3c0
8 changed files with 277 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
import { CronJob } from "quirrel/blitz";
import backup from "../../../../db/backup";
export default CronJob("api/cron/daily-backup", "0 0 * * *", async () => backup("daily"));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
import { CronJob } from "quirrel/blitz";
import backup from "../../../../db/backup";
export default CronJob("api/cron/monthly-backup", "0 0 1 * *", async () => backup("monthly"));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
import { CronJob } from "quirrel/blitz";
import backup from "../../../../db/backup";
export default CronJob("api/cron/weekly-backup", "0 0 * * 0", async () => backup("weekly"));

View File

secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SES_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET,
fromEmail: process.env.AWS_SES_FROM_EMAIL,
awsS3: {
awsRegion: process.env.AWS_S3_REGION,
accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_S3_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET,
mailChimp: {
apiKey: process.env.MAILCHIMP_API_KEY,
audienceId: process.env.MAILCHIMP_AUDIENCE_ID,

db/backup.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
import url from "url";
import querystring from "querystring";
import { spawn } from "child_process";
import { PassThrough } from "stream";
import { getConfig } from "blitz";
import AWS from "aws-sdk";
import { sendEmail } from "../integrations/ses";
const { serverRuntimeConfig } = getConfig();
const s3 = new AWS.S3({
credentials: new AWS.Credentials({
accessKeyId: serverRuntimeConfig.awsS3.accessKeyId,
secretAccessKey: serverRuntimeConfig.awsS3.secretAccessKey,
region: serverRuntimeConfig.awsS3.region,
export default async function backup(schedule: "daily" | "weekly" | "monthly") {
const s3Bucket = `shellphone-${schedule}-backup`;
const { database, host, port, user, password } = parseDatabaseUrl(process.env.DATABASE_URL!);
const fileName = getFileName(database);
console.log(`Dumping database ${database}`);
const pgDumpChild = spawn("pg_dump", [`-U${user}`, `-d${database}`], {
env: {
PGPASSWORD: password,
PGHOST: host,
PGPORT: port.toString(),
stdio: ["ignore", "pipe", "inherit"],
console.log(`Compressing dump "${fileName}"`);
const gzippedDumpStream = new PassThrough();
const gzipChild = spawn("gzip", { stdio: ["pipe", "pipe", "inherit"] });
gzipChild.on("exit", (code) => {
if (code !== 0) {
return sendEmail({
body: `${schedule} backup failed: gzip: Bad exit code (${code})`,
subject: `${schedule} backup failed: gzip: Bad exit code (${code})`,
recipients: [""],
pgDumpChild.on("exit", (code) => {
if (code !== 0) {
console.log("pg_dump failed, upload aborted");
return sendEmail({
body: `${schedule} backup failed: pg_dump: Bad exit code (${code})`,
subject: `${schedule} backup failed: pg_dump: Bad exit code (${code})`,
recipients: [""],
console.log(`Uploading "${fileName}" to S3 bucket "${s3Bucket}"`);
const uploadPromise = s3
Bucket: s3Bucket,
Key: fileName,
ACL: "private",
ContentType: "text/plain",
ContentEncoding: "gzip",
Body: gzippedDumpStream,
.then(() => console.log(`Successfully uploaded "${fileName}"`))
.catch((error) =>
body: `${schedule} backup failed: ${error}`,
subject: `${schedule} backup failed: ${error}`,
recipients: [""],
function getFileName(database: string) {
const now = new Date();
const year = now.getUTCFullYear();
const month = (now.getUTCMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, "0");
const day = now.getUTCDate();
const hours = now.getUTCHours();
const minutes = now.getUTCMinutes();
const seconds = now.getUTCSeconds();
return `${database}-${year}-${month}-${day}_${hours}-${minutes}-${seconds}.sql.gz`; // 2021-09-15_16-00-02.sql.gz
type DatabaseUrl = {
readonly user: string;
readonly password: string;
readonly host: string;
readonly port: number;
readonly database: string;
function parseDatabaseUrl(databaseUrl: string): DatabaseUrl {
const parsedUrl = url.parse(databaseUrl, false, true);
const config = querystring.parse(parsedUrl.query!);
if (parsedUrl.auth) {
const userPassword = parsedUrl.auth.split(":", 2);
config.user = userPassword[0];
if (userPassword.length > 1) {
config.password = userPassword[1];
if (parsedUrl.pathname) {
config.database = parsedUrl.pathname.replace(/^\//, "").replace(/\/$/, "");
if (parsedUrl.hostname) { = parsedUrl.hostname;
if (parsedUrl.port) {
config.port = parsedUrl.port;
return {
user: config.user as string,
password: config.password as string,
host: as string,
port: Number.parseInt(config.port as string, 10),
database: config.database as string,

integrations/ses.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
import type { SendEmailRequest } from "aws-sdk/clients/ses";
import { Credentials, SES } from "aws-sdk";
import { getConfig } from "blitz";
const { serverRuntimeConfig } = getConfig();
const credentials = new Credentials({
accessKeyId: serverRuntimeConfig.awsSes.accessKeyId,
secretAccessKey: serverRuntimeConfig.awsSes.secretAccessKey,
const ses = new SES({ region: serverRuntimeConfig.awsSes.awsRegion, credentials });
type SendEmailParams = {
body: string;
subject: string;
recipients: string[];
export async function sendEmail({ body, subject, recipients }: SendEmailParams) {
const request: SendEmailRequest = {
Destination: { ToAddresses: recipients },
Message: {
Body: {
Text: {
Charset: "UTF-8",
Data: body,
Subject: {
Charset: "UTF-8",
Data: subject,
Source: serverRuntimeConfig.awsSes.fromEmail,
await ses.sendEmail(request).promise();

package-lock.json generated
View File

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View File

@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
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