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import listen from "test-listen";
import fetch from "isomorphic-unfetch";
import { createServer } from "http";
import { parse as parseUrl } from "url";
import { apiResolver } from "next/dist/server/api-utils";
import type { PromiseValue } from "type-fest";
import type { NextApiHandler } from "next";
import type { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from "http";
type FetchReturnValue = PromiseValue<ReturnType<typeof fetch>>;
type FetchReturnType<NextResponseJsonType> = Promise<
Omit<FetchReturnValue, "json"> & {
json: (...args: Parameters<FetchReturnValue["json"]>) => Promise<NextResponseJsonType>;
* The parameters expected by `testApiHandler`.
export type TestParameters<NextResponseJsonType = unknown> = {
* A function that receives an `IncomingMessage` object. Use this function to
* edit the request before it's injected into the handler.
requestPatcher?: (req: IncomingMessage) => void;
* A function that receives a `ServerResponse` object. Use this functions to
* edit the request before it's injected into the handler.
responsePatcher?: (res: ServerResponse) => void;
* A function that receives an object representing "processed" dynamic routes;
* _modifications_ to this object are passed directly to the handler. This
* should not be confused with query string parsing, which is handled
* automatically.
paramsPatcher?: (params: Record<string, unknown>) => void;
* `params` is passed directly to the handler and represent processed dynamic
* routes. This should not be confused with query string parsing, which is
* handled automatically.
* `params: { id: 'some-id' }` is shorthand for `paramsPatcher: (params) =>
* (params.id = 'some-id')`. This is most useful for quickly setting many
* params at once.
params?: Record<string, string | string[]>;
* `url: 'your-url'` is shorthand for `requestPatcher: (req) => (req.url =
* 'your-url')`
url?: string;
* The actual handler under test. It should be an async function that accepts
* `NextApiRequest` and `NextApiResult` objects (in that order) as its two
* parameters.
handler: NextApiHandler<NextResponseJsonType>;
* `test` must be a function that runs your test assertions, returning a
* promise (or async). This function receives one parameter: `fetch`, which is
* the unfetch package's `fetch(...)` function but with the first parameter
* omitted.
test: (obj: { fetch: (init?: RequestInit) => FetchReturnType<NextResponseJsonType> }) => Promise<void>;
* Uses Next's internal `apiResolver` to execute api route handlers in a
* Next-like testing environment.
export async function testApiHandler<NextResponseJsonType = any>({
}: TestParameters<NextResponseJsonType>) {
let server = null;
try {
const localUrl = await listen(
(server = createServer((req, res) => {
if (!apiResolver) {
throw new Error("missing apiResolver export from next-server/api-utils");
url && (req.url = url);
requestPatcher && requestPatcher(req);
responsePatcher && responsePatcher(res);
const finalParams = { ...parseUrl(req.url || "", true).query, ...params };
paramsPatcher && paramsPatcher(finalParams);
*? From next internals:
** apiResolver(
** req: IncomingMessage,
** res: ServerResponse,
** query: any,
** resolverModule: any,
** apiContext: __ApiPreviewProps,
** propagateError: boolean
** )
void apiResolver(req, res, finalParams, handler, undefined as any, true, { route: "", config: {} });
await test({
fetch: (init?: RequestInit) => fetch(localUrl, init) as FetchReturnType<NextResponseJsonType>,
} finally {